Running Mina with Docker

1. Preparation

1.1 Ubuntu setup

Update the packages on the server to the latest versions:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Install and activate Docker:

sudo apt install curl -y \
&& sudo systemctl start docker \
&& sudo systemctl enable docker

1.2 Firewall configuration

Open ports 8302 and 8303:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8302:8303 -j ACCEPT

2. Node launch options

Choose only one launch option from the 2 suggested below (paragraph 2.1 or 2.2).

2.1 Run only Block Producer:

Variables description: --name mina - you can use any name for the container, or leave it as it is; --env MINA_PRIVKEY_PASS='YOUR_PASS' - instead YOUR PASS enter the password for your key.

--env UPTIME_PRIVKEY_PASS='YOUR_PASS' - instead YOUR PASS enter the password for your key for uptime system. $KEYPATH - path to the file with the private key my-wallet.

Optional: --coinbase-receiver B62qp... - flag to redirect block reward to another address.

sudo docker run --name mina -d \
--restart always \
-p 8302:8302 \
-p \
-v $(pwd)/keys:/root/keys:ro \
-v $(pwd)/.mina-config:/root/.mina-config \
minaprotocol/mina-daemon: daemon \
--block-producer-key $KEYPATH \
--coinbase-receiver $YOUR_ADDRESS \
--peer-list-url \
--uptime-submitter-key $KEYPATH \
--uptime-url \
--insecure-rest-server \
--open-limited-graphql-port \
--limited-graphql-port 3095 \
--file-log-level Debug \
-log-level Info

2.1.1 Run Snark Worker to Block Producer:

If you don't want to launch Snark Worker. You can go directly to step 3.

Let's set the Worker fee: set-snark-work-fee 0.025 - the commission value of 0.025 can be changed to any other.

sudo docker exec -it mina mina client set-snark-work-fee 0.025

Run Worker:

sudo docker exec -it mina mina client set-snark-worker -address $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY
Setting up Snark Stopper

2.2 Run only Snark Worker (without Block Producer)

First, let's launch a node without a Producer and a Snark.

Variables description:

--name mina - you can use any name for the container, or leave it as it is;

By default, the -work-selection for a snark worker is random rand. You can change this by adding the -work-selection seq flag to the command, which will work on jobs in the order required to be included from the scan state and will likely result in your snarks being included without a potentially lengthy delay;

set-snark-work-fee 0.025 - the commission value of 0.025 can be changed to any other.

sudo docker run --name mina -d \
--restart always \
-p 8302:8302 \
-p \
-v $(pwd)/keys:/root/keys:ro \
-v $(pwd)/.mina-config:/root/.mina-config \
minaprotocol/mina-daemon: daemon \
--peer-list-url \
--snark-worker-fee 0.025 \
--run-snark-worker $MINA_PUBLIC_KEY \
--insecure-rest-server \
--file-log-level Debug \
-log-level Info

3. Viewing logs

View running containers:

sudo docker ps -a

Node container logs:

sudo docker logs --follow mina -f --tail 1000

Node status:

sudo docker exec -it mina mina client status

3.1 Alternative log output

sudo docker exec -it mina mina client status | grep "Block producers"

The output will only show the line with the block producer running. See example below:

root@Coda:~# sudo docker exec -it mina mina client status | grep "Block producers"
Block producers running:         1 (B62qpSphT9prqYrJFio82WmV3u29DkbzGprLAM3pZQM2ZEaiiBmyY82)

4. Docker commands

The container is stopped by the command:

sudo docker stop mina

Restart container:

sudo docker restart mina

Removing a container:

sudo docker rm mina

Removing a running container:

sudo docker rm -f mina

5. Others

Deleting config folder:

rm -rf ~/.coda-config

Last updated

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